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UHS Important SEQs of Histology for 1st Year MBBS

UHS Important SEQs of Histology for 1st Year MBBS

Q.1: a). write down the functions of microtubules and tight junctions. 2+2

b).what are the functions of epithelial tissue? 3

c). briefly explain the structure and function of microvilli. 3

Q.2: Draw and label the stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium. 5

Q.3: Classify glands on the basis of arrangement and occurrence of duct system. Also give examples of each type of gland according to this system.5

 UHS Important SEQs of Histology for 1st Year MBBS

Q.1:  What is junctional complex? Describe the structure and function of desmosomes. 1+2+2

Q.2: What is an epithelium?  Write down two examples each of all the types of covering epithelium. 5

Q.3: Briefly describe the various types of intermediate filaments. What are the functions of these components of cytoskeleton? 3+2

Q.4: a). Draw and label loose areolar connective tissue. 3

        b). Classify glandular epithelium on the basis of nature of the secretory product. 2

Q.5: Briefly describe the structure and function of plasma cells and mast cells. 2.5+2.5


Q.1: a). Differentiate b/w the microscopic features of spongy and compact bone. 2

b). Briefly describe the composition f basement membrane. 3

Q.2: Draw and label all the types of simple epithelium. 5

Q.3: a) Draw the microscopic features of white adipose tissue. 3

b). Write a short note on the histology of periosteum.

Q.4: a). Draw and label the histology of compact bone. 5

Q.5: Compare in tabulated form the microscopic findings of the three types of cartilages. 5



Q.1: Name the layers of epidermis. Enlist the cells present in epidermis. Also mention the function of each cell type.1+1+3

Q.2: Draw and label the microscopic picture of thin skin. 5

Q.3: Draw and label the histology of large elastic artery (aorta). 5

Q.4: Tabulate the differences in the histology of various types of smooth muscles. 5


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